Thursday, July 1, 2010

11 Habits to You Need to Quit

Many of my clients who just get started training with me tell me "I've been eating healthy" all I have to do is exercise. I've very quickly learned eating healthy means different things to different people. So, the first thing I have all my new clients do is get started with a food journal.

In the food journal they are to include all the things that goes into their mouth - snacks, chips, drinks, alcohol... everything!

What I find is there are a lot of habits people need to quit.

Here's a list of 11 habits I've seen if food journals that may be sabotaging your success.

1. Thinking diet soda is the answer to your weight loss problems.
While it may eliminate a few extra calories, it's like putting a band-aid on a broken leg. It's just not gonna work. Break the everything I drink must-be-sweet addiction. Switch to water and unsweetened iced tea.

2. Thinking low fat foods are the answer to your weight loss problems
Same as the above. Just because something is low fat doesn't mean it'll help you lose weight. In fact it still may be loaded with calories so check the calorie content.

3. Having dessert on a regular basis

Even if it's small you may still be taking in an extra 200 - 500 empty calories of sugar and fat which can easily sabotage your weight loss dreams.

4. Eating fast food at 3 AM in the morning
Unless you work all night, this food is not being used as energy. Go to bed and save a few hundred calories.

5. Getting five hours of sleep every night
Your body needs to repair and recover to look and feel great and does this when you sleep. Make it your goal to get 8 hours of sleep nightly.

6. Hitting Happy Hour every night after work
. Processed food and cheap beer are no way to slim down the waistline. Cut it out!

7. Buying food from vending machines.
This isn't real food, stop fooling yourself. Plan in advance and bring your own snacks like: yogurt, cheese, nuts or fruits and vegetables instead.

8. Buying food from convenience stores
. 100% of the food you'll find here is either unhealthy or overpriced. Pay for your gas outside and don't even go inside to be tempted.

9. Saying you plan to start eating better just as soon as... (you get a better job, you get a raise, you have more time)
Stop it with the excuses.If you NEED to do it, stop talking and JUST DO IT!

10. Saying you'll quit drinking after this weekend
I have a friend who says this every week. He's a pretty strong guy but will never loose his spare tire until he cuts down on the drinking.

11. Saying you'll start exercising on Monday
Honestly, how many Mondays are you going to let go by. How bout starting today :)

Don't know where to start?

Just go through this blog. Begin with the goal/mindset topics section on the right.

"Nothing changes until you do"

talk to ya later,


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