Monday, May 19, 2008

Have a Workout Plan

Do you get to the gym and then try to figure out what you are going to do once you are there? Seriously, ask yourself this question. Time and time again I see people aimlessly wandering around in gyms not sure of what to do next. Whether your workout takes place in a gym, at home or at the park, you should have a plan in mind before your workout begins. This will not only help you minimize time wasted, but you’ll also get better results.

Not all wander aimlessly, some of these people do have a general idea, they know today is leg day, and that’s a start, but I’m talking about something more specific. If today is leg day, what exercises are you going to do? What order are you going to do them in? How much weight will you use? How many sets and reps will you do? How long are your rest periods? To be more efficient you should know these answers before your workout starts.

If you could get the same results in 45 minutes as you now get in 90 minutes, would you want to? Once your workouts are more organized, you start minimizing wasted time. If you’re not sure what exercises you are going to do, then time is being wasted while you are trying to figure that out. To truly maximize your time working out, you should know what you are going to do before your workout begins.

Today’s workout is all part of a bigger plan. If you have a goal, you need to have a plan to reach that goal. Each workout is one step of that bigger plan. If you don’t know what you will be doing today before you get to your workout facility, you either don’t have a plan or you aren’t following it. Make the decision today to have a plan and know what it is you will be doing in each workout.

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