Monday, July 19, 2010

My Blog has moved to it's new home

Check it out!

My blog has moved to it's new home at

Come on over and check out my latest posts


Sunday, July 11, 2010

It’s Too Darn Hot: Keep It Cool During the Hot Weather

We were pretty lucky in June. Temperatures stayed moderate and didn’t hover in the 100-plus range until late in the month. As we head into July and August, the hottest months of the year in Las Vegas, you have to take into account the heat when you’re exercising outside. That includes playing a round of golf, a playing with your kids or even going for a walk in the park.

Exercising in the heat can stress out your lungs and heart because your body temperature rises while you workout and with the heat in the air. Your body reacts by circulating more blood to your skin to cool it off, leaving less blood for your muscles. That makes your heart rate increase. As your body is trying to cool off, you could suffer from heat cramps, heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

A few tips will help you avoid heat-related illnesses and work out comfortably through the summer months.

1. Go slow. Instead of diving into your workout, let your body adapt to the heat. You can increase your intensity and length of workout as your body gets used to the higher temperatures.

2. Hydrate. Your body sweats to help it cool down, and in order to sweat, you need to have plenty of liquids inside you. Make sure to bring along a bottle of water no matter whether you plan to work out for 20 minutes or an hour. Drink it whether you feel thirsty or not. Your body will stay cooler.

3. Dress right. Make sure you’re wearing the right types of clothing while you’re working out. Lightweight clothes that fit loosely help your sweat evaporate. Try to wear lighter colored clothing that doesn’t absorb as much sunlight.

4. Timing is everything. If you do exercise outside, try to time it in the morning or evening when the temperatures are lower.

5. Lather up. A sunburn can hinder your body’s ability to cool off. Wear sunscreen even in the morning and early evening.

6. Listen to your body. If you feel weak or dizzy or develop a headache, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting or a rapid heartbeat, stop exercising. Get out of the heat, apply water to your skin and fan yourself off. If you still don’t feel better after an hour, call your doctor. If you have a fever over 102 degrees or become faint or confused, seek medical attention.
With these tips, the heat won’t get in the way of exercise.

Monday, July 5, 2010

You are what you think

Every Thursday in June, we ran The Beast — a one-third mile cross-country run with two sets of stairs, 20 walking lunges, 20 push-ups, 20 jumping jacks and a sprint to the finish.

Naturally this exercise tests your cardiovascular system and stamina, but more importantly it’s a battle of mind over matter. Just completing this grueling finisher can be an accomplishment by itself. You have to get over thought that you might not be able to finish. The power of positive thinking can take you a long way toward reaching that goal.

Studies found that negative emotions can weaken people’s immune response to a flu vaccine. A study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin shows that activation of brain regions associated with negative emotions appears to make subjects more susceptible to illness.

Take this idea back to boot camp. One member, Alex, says that nearly every exercise we do is his favorite. Pushups followed by a plank crawl. His favorite. Tai kwon do moves. His favorite. His positive thinking helps him get through the workout without getting frustrated and believing that each exercise really is his favorite.

One way you can get a more positive attitude is to take the three Cs approach — commitment, control and challenge.

Make a commitment to treat yourself well, especially with the gift of good health. Praise yourself when you complete something like The Beast. Dream of running it faster. And be enthusiastic about doing it instead of dreading it.

Control your thoughts. Concentrate on things that are important to you like a healthy lifestyle and a fitness routine. When you learn to set goals and priorities for those things most important to you, you accomplish them a lot faster. If losing weight or gaining muscle tone are important to you, making them a priority will help you accomplish that goal.

Enjoy your successes along the way. If you want to lose 40 pounds, it could take six months to a year to accomplish that goal. Celebrate every 10 pounds that you lose. Setting smaller goals along the way will help you reach your big goal.

Finally, challenge yourself to change and improve on a daily basis. On any given day, you have to do your best and don’t let small setbacks get in the way. Maybe you ate a high-fat dinner last night. Move on and keep working toward your goal without beating yourself up over one lousy meal or a bad workout. Every day that you’re in boot camp, give 100 percent to help you reach your goal.

Any way you apply positive thinking to your life makes you a winner whether in boot camp, with your relationships or work. And that means that the next time we run The Beast, it won’t be as intimidating.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

11 Habits to You Need to Quit

Many of my clients who just get started training with me tell me "I've been eating healthy" all I have to do is exercise. I've very quickly learned eating healthy means different things to different people. So, the first thing I have all my new clients do is get started with a food journal.

In the food journal they are to include all the things that goes into their mouth - snacks, chips, drinks, alcohol... everything!

What I find is there are a lot of habits people need to quit.

Here's a list of 11 habits I've seen if food journals that may be sabotaging your success.

1. Thinking diet soda is the answer to your weight loss problems.
While it may eliminate a few extra calories, it's like putting a band-aid on a broken leg. It's just not gonna work. Break the everything I drink must-be-sweet addiction. Switch to water and unsweetened iced tea.

2. Thinking low fat foods are the answer to your weight loss problems
Same as the above. Just because something is low fat doesn't mean it'll help you lose weight. In fact it still may be loaded with calories so check the calorie content.

3. Having dessert on a regular basis

Even if it's small you may still be taking in an extra 200 - 500 empty calories of sugar and fat which can easily sabotage your weight loss dreams.

4. Eating fast food at 3 AM in the morning
Unless you work all night, this food is not being used as energy. Go to bed and save a few hundred calories.

5. Getting five hours of sleep every night
Your body needs to repair and recover to look and feel great and does this when you sleep. Make it your goal to get 8 hours of sleep nightly.

6. Hitting Happy Hour every night after work
. Processed food and cheap beer are no way to slim down the waistline. Cut it out!

7. Buying food from vending machines.
This isn't real food, stop fooling yourself. Plan in advance and bring your own snacks like: yogurt, cheese, nuts or fruits and vegetables instead.

8. Buying food from convenience stores
. 100% of the food you'll find here is either unhealthy or overpriced. Pay for your gas outside and don't even go inside to be tempted.

9. Saying you plan to start eating better just as soon as... (you get a better job, you get a raise, you have more time)
Stop it with the excuses.If you NEED to do it, stop talking and JUST DO IT!

10. Saying you'll quit drinking after this weekend
I have a friend who says this every week. He's a pretty strong guy but will never loose his spare tire until he cuts down on the drinking.

11. Saying you'll start exercising on Monday
Honestly, how many Mondays are you going to let go by. How bout starting today :)

Don't know where to start?

Just go through this blog. Begin with the goal/mindset topics section on the right.

"Nothing changes until you do"

talk to ya later,


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rock Climbing for Boot Camp Members and friends

We had a blast Sunday Rock Climbing at Canyon Ranch Spa Club, Las Vegas. It was very nice hanging out with my wonderful boot camp members outside of the gym.

As always I'm having a blast bringing you my latest thoughts and inspirations.

Thank you and if you enjoyed this Blog you may also want to join the Facebook fan page and share it with your friends too.

If you haven't tried our boot camp yet visit our website and sign up for your free 1 week boot camp trial….click here.

Looking forward to bringing you more and more info all the time!!

If there a subject you would like me to focus in on just post a comment.

I am having a Blast doing these Blogs for you!!

Thanks for checking it out!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Drink Up: Water Does a Body Good

The dairy industry has commercials saying that milk will do your body good. But it’s water that really satisfies. It makes up 60 to 70 percent of your body weight and helps flush toxins from your organs and carries nutrients to your cells. Water helps regulate your body temperature and protects your joints and organs.

You’ve probably already know that you should drink at least 64 ounces of water every day, but some researchers suggest drinking even more water daily. The Mayo Clinic recommends that you take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half to determine the right amount of water to drink every day. So if you weigh 160 pounds, try do drink 80 ounces of water a day.

But other conditions call for drinking even more water. Exercise drains your body of water. Mayo recommends drinking at least an additional eight ounces of water for every 20 minutes of activity. When you’re drinking alcohol, drink a glass of water between each drink to offset the diuretic effects of liquor, or substitute sparkling water for alcohol.

The Mayo Clinic even recommends drinking eight ounces of water for each hour you’re flying on an airplane, and drinking an additional 16 ounces of water if you live in an arid climate like Las Vegas.

Keep in mind that a portion of your body’s water intake comes from the foods you eat, especially fruits and vegetables. But the rest of day, you need to find time to add water to your diet. Try to drink a glass of water with each meal and in between each meal.

But the good news is that all of this water may even help you lose weight. Researchers in Germany found that water consumption can increase your metabolism.

WebMD reports that a study with seven men and seven women found that after drinking 17 ounces of water, the subjects’ metabolic rate increased by 30 percent. The increases occurred within 10 minutes of water consumption and reached a maximum after about 30 to 40 minutes.

The researchers from Berlin's Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center estimated that over the course of a year, a person who increases his water consumption by 1.5 liters a day would burn an extra 17,400 calories and lose about five pounds.

So water indeed does a body good.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Las Vegas Personal Trainer Tells How Simple Weight Loss Is

Being a Las Vegas personal trainer I come across a lot of prospective clients who really, really want to lose weight but don't understand what it takes to accomplish such a goal. Once you understand what it takes, then and only then will you see how easy it really is.

The problem most people have is that they expect quick and easy results without working hard for it. No longer do you have to slave over the kitchen all day long to cook a great tasting meal; you can just go buy fast food, and presto instant meal.

You don't have to save all year to buy a brand new 60 inch T.V.; all you have to do is pull out your credit card and viola instant HDTV. So if everything else is easy, shouldn't losing body fat and looking great be quick and easy too?

The truth is, when it comes to losing weight, quick and easy doesn't work; and in the rare chance it does, the weight comes back and you're back on the diet roller coaster.

Hey, it's not your fault. You've just been conditioned to want something without having to work hard for it. We all have.


It might not be what you want to hear, but here it is:


That's it!

Once you're willing to accept that, and decide you're going to do what it takes, you're journey to a fabulous looking body and feeling great won't be such a struggle.

One more thing - stop it with the excuses. Successful people don't blame others for their short comings, they take responsibility for their actions

Don't tell me...

"I had a personal trainer and that didn't work", when in reality you were inconsistent and missed many appointments.

"I tried the P90X workout and that didn't work", when in reality you didn't follow the nutrition plan.

"I went to a boot camp before and that didn't work", when in reality you didn't push yourself past your comfort zone because you didn't want to sweat or be sore.

"I don't have enough time to exercise and eat right". What that really means, is that losing weight isn't a priority in your life and you're not willing to cut down on T.V. time or something else in your life.

"I have bad genetics". I know you can't change the card you were dealt, but you can change how you play your hand.

Don't blame others, blame your own lack of commitment.

I don't say these things to be mean, I'm just being brutally honest. I should know,
after being a trainer for 10 years, working in a half dozen gyms, training hundreds of clients and observing thousands more, I can now predict who will fail and who will succeed just by observing their daily behaviors and the words they speak.

If you give only 60% effort to your workouts, YOU ARE GOING TO FAIL

If you are looking for the easy way out, YOU ARE GOING TO FAIL

If you don't follow a healthy nutrition plan 80-90% of the time, YOU ARE GOING TO FAIL

If you don't take responsibility for your own failure and have a habit of making excuses and blaming others, YOU ARE GOING TO FAIL

If you don't decide to make exercise a priority in your life, YOU ARE GOING TO FAIL


No trainer, diet plan, or boot camp can help you achieve weight loss, unless you first understand what it takes and are willing to do it.

If you are sick and tired of failing and you're truly committed to finally getting the body you want, I can help you get there

...and if you haven't yet tried Workout Quest Boot Camp contact me today to sign up for your 1 week free trial. After that I'll even give you a 30 day money back guarantee if you're not happy.

You have nothing to lose but the extra weight.

Talk to ya soon,


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

6 Week Boot Camp Body Transformation Contest

Are you tired of working out and not getting the results you want and deserve?

Discover how you can once and for all lose weight, boost your metabolism, drop inches, and have more energy with our winning fat loss formula

... All in just 6 short weeks.

Watch this video

With the 6 week body transformation you get so much more than just the bootcamp workouts

...You will be receiving several emails from me per week with tips & techniques to enhance your fat loss.


Boot Camp (up to 30 sessions):
5 High Energy Boot Camp sessions per week to boost your metabolism and lose weight faster. It includes a circuit/interval style strength training and high intensity fun cardio activities to promote maximal fat loss.
$297 Value!

Nutritional & Fitness Counseling:
I'm just a phone call away throughout your entire 6 Week Body Transformation to answer any concerns or questions you may have on eating clean or working out.
$87 Value!

Nutrition Success Manual and 6 week Fat Loss Menu

Even when we burn a ton of calories by the workouts and boosting your metabolism you can out train a bad diet. To make certain you optimize fat loss throughout your 6 week body transformation I will customize a detailed weekly plan just for you. Your nutritional planning concentrates on whole foods not specialized diet foods

...and the best part is you can still eat your favorite foods with the plan.
$97 Value!

Also Included:

• Pre and Post Fitness Assessment including: weight, body fat percentage, measurements and before and after pictures to measure your progress

• Prizes for the winner

• and much more

This entire package sold separately would go for $481. But you won't pay anywhere near that. I'm giving this entire package away for ONLY $177

... that's less than the $199 monthly fee my current boot camp members pay (for just 4 weeks of training)!

So, I Really Need to Know - Are You Ready?

Are you ready to:
Lose weight
Boost Metabolism (so you burn calories all day long!)
Drop inches
Have more energy than ever

Before You Say Yes, Read This...

If you want on board you have to be serious and absolutely committed.


Here is the thing, I am only going to accept the first 20 (qualified) people that apply. This is because the level of attention you will get requires a great deal of my time.

This program will change your life, and I am here to help. The body and health of your dreams is waiting.

Starts, Monday June 21st

Camps are Monday – Friday 6:00 – 6:50AM
Location: Sandstone Ridge Park
1661 West Hammer Lane, North Las Vegas, 89031

If you are ready to finally take control of your body and your life reserve your spot today by calling 702-882-4021.

Committed to your success,

Tony Wood, CSCS

PS: What? You didn't watch the video? Do it now!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Favorite Motivational Quotes from a Las Vegas Personal Trainer

Last week I told you three of my favorite strategies to always staying motivated are reading lots of motivational books, watching inspiring videos and having lots of quotes up around my house.

Anytime you're feeling down and unmotivated, and just need a spark of some inspiration read some of the quotes to pick you up.

These are some of my favorite health and nutrition quotes, fitness quotes, exercise quotes, success quotes, motivation quotes, and determination quotes.

These may be just what you need to get back on track.

"A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools."
~ Spanish Proverb

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
~ Mahatma Gandhi

"The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping responsibility, and pushing their luck!"

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."
~ Jim Ryun

"Sometimes, it is not good enough to do your best; you have to do what is required."
~ Winston Churchill

"Some succeed because they are destined to, most succeed because they are determined to"
~ Unknown

Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out. ~ Robert Collier

"The only real failure in life is the failure to try." - Author Unknown

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

99% of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.

~George Washington Carver

f you want to be successful you must take 100% responsibility for everything you experience in your life.-Unknown

"Failures don't plan to fail, they fail to plan"

-Harvey Mackay

"How am I to know what I can achieve if I quit?"
~ Jason Bishop

"If it were easy, everyone would be doing it" -Unknown

"We can do anything we want to if we stick with it long enough"

-Helen Keller

"Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can."
~ Unknown

"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination."
~ Tommy Lasorda

"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
~ Japanese proverb

"No one can defeat us unless we first defeat ourselves."
~ Dwight Eisenhower

"Before you change your thinking, you have to change what goes into your mind."
~ Zig Ziglar

Negativity is a waste of energy.
~ Author Unknown

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.-Robert Collier

Successful people do whatever it takes to get the job done, whether or not they feel like it.

Okay, that's it for now...

Put these quotes up around your house to remind yourself to keep going forward. Use them as a reminder to do a little bit every day.

Do me a favor. I'd like to know what your favorite quote is, so go ahead a leave a comment down below with your favorite quote (from this list or not).

Keep working hard!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Las Vegas Boot Camp Instructor talks about commitment to health and fitness

Ya know, sometimes fitness training is funny.

I see meet so many people that think all they have to do is show up to the gym, break a light sweat and that will get them the body they've always wanted.

When this doesn't happen right away, they give up.

If this describes you or someone you know, don't feel bad you just haven't made a true commitment to exercise yet.

Don't worry in this quick video I'll explain what I mean and you'll be on your way to looking better and feeling great in no time.

Continue to plant seeds, make corrections and be patient. Your efforts will pay off as long as your consistent and you stick with it.


... and if you haven't tried Workout Quest Boot Camp yet go here to sign up for your free 1week trial today!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Inspirational and Motivational Videos

I get asked this all the time…
“Tony, how do you stay so motivated!?”

Well, I have lots of quotes around my house, read lots of motivational books, and I watch videos like these.

This is one of my favorites. Will speaks the truth. Just get focused, decide what you want and do it.

I hope you feel MOTIVATED and INSPIRED!
Let me know you thoughts…

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Winning Formula for Fat Loss

I hope your health and fitness journey is going well. You know there's so much information out there on how to tone up, lose weight, and build muscle; it can be a little confusing.

What I mean is, diet and exercise are the answer and while everyone knows that, most people fail because they don't have the winning formula of putting it all together.

So I made a little video to help clear the confusion.

... and as I always say, knowledge is nothing without application.

Re-watch the video if you have to, take a few notes and make sure you're doing it right (not some simplified watered down version that doesn't breed positive results).

Here's a couple links to some high intensity workouts that'll help you burn fat faster.

The Backyard Cardio Workout
- follow this video to burn a ton of calories in under 10 minutes with no equipment needed!

also Burn more fat with these interval workouts.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lose Weight with Winning Strategies

Last week one of my clients and I were having a conversation about nutrition and she told me, "you know Tony, I seem to be eating well throughout the day, but dinner is where, everything falls apart".

What I told her was, "This is a quick fix, you just need a winning strategy that becomes automatic".

Losing weight doesn't have to be hard. Actually once you have the right strategies in place it becomes quite easy.

I put together a quick video to show you just how easy it can be to implement and stick with the winning strategies you need for your success.

Check it out...

...and by the way the winning strategy I shared with my client was to make sure she plans her meals in advance for the upcoming week.

Here's how you can do the same. Pick a day you don't work (maybe Sunday) and go through the Healthy Fat Burning Recipe book she has and pick out dinner recipes for the entire week.

Then go shopping and make sure to get all the ingredients needed for these recipes. This can be taken a step further by taking 2 hours to cook all the meals for the week on your off day too.

Then put them in Tupperware and refrigerate or freeze them. Presto! All you're dinners are done for the week and dinner is no longer an issue. Winning strategy complete!

Planning in advance is the key. Without having the meals picked out or the ingredients at home it becomes all to easy to order some high calorie take-out food and sabotage you weight loss success.

You can get the same recipes book as she did. My partners over at Prograde Nutrition have created this 197 recipes Healthy and Delicious Fat Burning recipe book. I highly recommend it to make health weight loss much easier on you.

It's loaded with quick and easy recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can get it here for only $4.95:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Control your portion sizes with these easy tips

Eating and training go hand in hand. To lose body fat you not only need to train to burn calories, but also take in fewer calories.

Eating right is one thing, but controlling your portions can be quite another. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 urge Americans to pay special attention to portion sizes, which have increased significantly over the past two decades.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, many people confuse portion size with serving size, which is a standardized unit of measuring foods — for example, a cup or ounce — used in dietary guidance. Portion size is the amount offered to a person in a restaurant, the amount offered in the packaging of prepared foods or the amount a person chooses to put on his or her plate.

For example, bagels or muffins are often sold in sizes that constitute at least two servings, but consumers often eat the whole thing, thinking that they have eaten one serving.

Eating out has skewed our judgment about portion sizes. The number of eating establishments in the United States increased by 75 percent between 1977 and 1991. One study from the CDC shows that the frequency of eating out, particularly at fast-food restaurants, is associated with an increase in energy and fat intake and with a higher body mass index.

You can adjust your idea of proper serving sizes by familiarizing yourself with these easy tips.

• A serving of chicken (3 ounces) is the size of a deck of cards.
• A serving of pasta or dry cereal (1/2 cup) is the size of a hockey puck.
• A serving of fresh fruit (1/2 cup) is the size of a tennis ball.
• A serving of butter (1 teaspoon) is the size of one die.

Test your own perceptions of proper serving sizes by estimating the amount cereal in a bowl and then transferring it into a measuring cup.

Here are a couple of tips that will help you eat the right amount of food.

1. Instead of putting serving dishes on the table, serve dinner from the stove top or counter. It will make you think twice about getting a second serving.

2. Instead of eating snacks out of the box, measure them out in a small bowl to get the proper portion.

3. When you do snack, go for something wrapped in a single serving.

4. When you do eat out, plan to eat only half the meal. You can also ask for a lunch-sized portion, which is usually smaller.

5. When you go to a party, try sampling one bite of a dish to keep your portions small and enjoy a variety of flavors.

6. Slow down while you’re eating to enjoy the flavors and textures of your meal. You’ll also find you know when you’re full sooner.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Win 3 Months of FREE Bootcamp!

This year we are going beyond just workouts, to change lives in others ways than just fitness. We are going to be raising money for a family that has a child in need of prosthetic limbs.

For every person you refer, Workout Quest Bootcamp will donate $100 to their cause (During the contest period of May 17th-June 14th).

To help get the word out about the cause, we will be giving all boot campers at least 20 flyers. We are asking you to go to local chiropractors, restaurants, salons, spas, churches, groups, and so on, and ask permission to leave about 5 flyers at the front desk. Also get the name of the owner or business and a phone number. When you have done this at 5 locations, email with the contact info of the 5 places.

We will then give you a One Week Special Spa Guest Pass to
Planet Beach Spa for a private massage, facial, UV therapy treatment, spray tan and guided meditation! This is only good for the first 7 who complete the task of giving the postcards out to 5 different places.

Please email Tony at the name of each person that has joined through your recruitment.

1. Whomever refers the most people who signed up and are paid between May 17th-June 21st will win 3 months of bootcamp. Second place receives 2 free months and 3rd place receives a free month.

2. If there is a tie for first, all of those tied will be in a hat and one name will be drawn out as the winner.

3. We will update the leaderboard about once a week.

4. Please email if someone you recruited signs up so we can give you credit.

Please be selective in who you invite! When looking at friends, family, and coworkers that you might invite, please consider the following:

-Will they work hard?

-Will they be consistent and dedicated?

-Will they be positive?

-Will they bring energy and enthusiasm to the group?

-Will they support and encourage their fellow bootcampers?

The success of Workout Quest Bootcamp depends on the quality and attitudes of the bootcampers. We would rather have 5 people who are going to work hard and get results than 50 negative, crabby bootcampers.

Tools to help you give referrals

-We have $100 gift cards that you can hand out to your friends. You can take as many as you would like. This entitles a possible new bootcamper to try it out risk free for two weeks free before they decide if this is right for them.

-Send out an email to your friends and tell them that you are in a contest and want to win free bootcamp and you need their help in doing so. Talk about your positive experience with Workout Quest Bootcamp and SPECIFIC results you are seeing or how you are feeling. Send them to which talks about the charity and how we are helping a kid in need.

-Post it on your facebook status that you are in this contest.

-Create a facebook group or fan page.

-Mention things about bootcamp in your status (just got back from an awesome morning bootcamp workout, great way to start the day!) this has worked very well for some.

-If you have a website, put a link to or

-Post flyers at work or other public places

-Recruit your group or club. If you are part of any church groups, moms groups, or other clubs, challenge them to come with you for a two free weeks to try it out and try to keep up with you!

-Speaking. If you have a group that you would like Tony Wood to speak at please contact him and you can get credit for recruiting those people.

The more you do, the more we can help Edwin and the higher your chance of getting free boot camp.

Thanks for your support,


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Charity Drive

Show your support by joining us this Thursday morning, May 27th for a free workout from 4:45 - 8:30am at Sandstone Ridge Park, 1661 Hammer Ln, North Las Vegas, 89031.

Fox 5 will be covering the story on our "Every Kid Derserves a Chance" Charity Drive for Edwin. We need lots of extras doing boot camp action when the feed goes live throughout the morning.

Read on to learn more.

I just heard a story about a local Las Vegas youth named Edwin that really made me appreciate my own well being.

Here’s the action plan...

From May 17th – June 14th I’m going to donate $100 for every new member to our boot camp.

This money will go towards helping Edwin having an opportunity to live a happy, healthy and productive life.

I’m calling this the “Every Kid Deserves a Chance” charity drive and the goal is to raise $2,000 for Edwin over the next 30 days, so I’m going to need your help.

And for a little added incentive, I’m going to give three months free boot camp to whoever brings in the most referrals.

To participate or refer a friend call me at 702-882-4021 or email me at

Here’s what’s included in the boot camp:

The Boot Camps
• Unlimited Access to 5 Boot Camp sessions per week
• 50-Minute, High-Energy sessions to boost your metabolism and lose weight faster
• Motivation and support by a certified personal trainer and your peers

The Nutrition
• Nutritional Success Manual
• Healthy fat loss recipe book
• No starving, limited diets or calorie counting
• Enjoy Everything In Moderation

Personal Coaching
• Fitness Assessments Every 4 Weeks to Measure Your Progress
• Trainers Phone Number & Email Address for unlimited coaching
• Weekly Motivational E-mails

Camps are Monday – Friday 6:00 – 6:50AM
Location: Sandstone Ridge Park
1661 West Hammer Lane, North Las Vegas 89031

From Camino Al Norte take Washburn Rd. (street merges with Hammer Lane) heading West to the park
or from Clayton take Hammer Lane East to the park

For directions go here:
For additional questions email me at or call 882-4021

We meet on the North side of the park by the basketball courts. Park on the street by Sea Water Way and take the stairs down to the park.

Thanks for your support,


Monday, May 10, 2010

Reach Your Fitness and Fat Loss Goals Faster

After many failed attempts at trying to get in shape, most new clients come to me thinking that all they have to do is come and do the workouts I tell them to do and then everything will magically fall into place

...but to get results quickly there's a lot more to it than that. While hiring a trainer will definately increase your chances of success, you've got to be serious about your lifestyle choices if you want to get anywere.

To assure your reach your goals you must realize what sacrifices you have to make and take responsibilty for your actions.

Now check out this video...

Now that you know what to do, think long and hard about two or three sacrifices you are going to make that will help you reach your goals and write them somewhere on your goal sheet that you look at everyday.

Show me you're serious by leaving me a comment down below letting me know what sacrifices you're going to make.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Gain Control of your emotional eating

To lose weight, you have to control how much you eat plain and simple. That may be fine and dandy 90% of the time time, but what about the other 10% which are times of stress. Your strongest food cravings may come at a time when you’re weak emotionally. That’s when you might turn to food for comfort.

Emotional eating can sabotage your weight-loss efforts by triggering you to turn to high-calorie sweets or fatty foods. You can tame these cravings by recognizing them and alleviating the stress that brings these temptations on, according to the Mayo Clinic.

First, you need to understand what emotional eating is. It usually comes on when you feel stress, anger, fear, boredom, sadness or loneliness. It doesn’t contain itself to major life events; daily life can trigger these emotions and emotional eating. Triggers can be as huge as unemployment and financial problems or work stress and fatigue.

When emotional triggers make you want to eat, turn to these tips to keep yourself working on your weight-loss goals.

Tame your stress. Try yoga, meditation or relaxation techniques to alleviate stress instead of turning to unhealthy snacks.

Check your hunger. Before you grab for a snack, figure out if your hunger is physical or emotional. If it’s a craving, give it a little time to pass before caving in to a sugary snack.

Keep a food diary. I encourage everyone of my clients to keep a food diary and submit it to me weekly. Write down what you eat, how much you eat, when you eat, how you’re feeling when you eat and how hungry you are. You can see patterns emerge that reveal the connection between mood and food.

Don’t be bored. Instead of snacking to occupy time, take a walk, watch a movie, listen to music, read, surf the Internet or call a friend. Your urge to snack will pass.

Take away temptation. Don’t keep supplies of comfort foods in your home if they’re hard for you to resist. Replace them with healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables or string cheese. Avoid going to the grocery store when you feel angry or sad.

Don’t deprive yourself. When you’re trying to lose weight, you may limit your calories too much, eat the same foods frequently and avoid the treats you enjoy. That could increase your food cravings. You can allow yourself reward meals 10 percent of the time, or if you’re eating five meals a day, seven days a week, you can have rewards three or four meals every week.

Make it healthy. If you do snack between meals, choose a low-fat, low-calorie snack such as fresh fruit, vegetables with fat-free dip or unbuttered popcorn. You can also try low-fat, lower calorie versions of your favorite foods to see if they satisfy your craving.

Get enough sleep. When you’re constantly tired, you might snack to try to give yourself an energy boost. Take a nap or go to bed earlier instead.

When you do end up eating emotionally, the best thing you can do is forgive yourself and start fresh with your next meal. Try to learn from the experience and make read through these tips again to help you prevent repeating in the future. Focus on the positive changes you’re making in your eating habits and give yourself credit for making changes that will lead to better health.