Sunday, July 19, 2009

The 5 Biggest Workout Mistakes that Slow Down Results

1. Not drinking enough water. Dehydration can diminish energy and impair performance. Even a 2-percent loss of body weight through can put you at a disadvantage. Shoot for eight to ten eight ounce glasses of water daily and drink 16 ounces of water 2 to 3 hours before training. You should then drink an additional 8 ounces 10 to 20 minutes prior to training. The result is more energy to lift weights and you’ll tone up faster.

2. Reading on the treadmill. If your only goal is to build a healthy heart and lungs, then a low intensity treadmill works fine while reading a book or magazine. However if you really want to burn a ton of calories and make a noticeable difference then you’ll need to pump up your intensity which makes it hard to read. If you’re concentrating on reading then you’re not working hard enough. Put the magazine down, increase your intensity and burn more calories now.

3. Get off the treadmill if you hate it. Stop torturing yourself doing cardio exercises you don’t even enjoy. Exercise doesn’t have to be something you hate to do. If you can’t stand the treadmill try the bike, if you hate the bike try the step mill, if you dislike that then try jump roping. You’ll get better results if you pick a cardio routine that’s fun for you. Keep trying new things until you what you like. You can also cross-train. Take a 30 minute workout and do three different exercises for 10 minutes each.

4. Stop wasting all your time on cardio. If your goal is to be a distance runner or some other type of endurance athlete then keep it up, but if your goal is to burn more fat and your doing over 30 minutes of cardio a day it’s time to cut down and add some weight training. Weight training builds muscle which boosts your metabolism which leads to weight loss. Cardio does not.

5. Not paying attention to diet. I’m not saying you need to get on a diet. But you can’t go out and eat anything you want just because you workout a few times a week. If your workout burns off a few hundred calories don’t spoil it by treating yourself on a daily basis; adding back in a few hundred extra calories. That just puts you back at square one. Pay attention to portion sizes and try to eat something every three to four hours and forget the high calories drinks.

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