Monday, May 10, 2010

Reach Your Fitness and Fat Loss Goals Faster

After many failed attempts at trying to get in shape, most new clients come to me thinking that all they have to do is come and do the workouts I tell them to do and then everything will magically fall into place

...but to get results quickly there's a lot more to it than that. While hiring a trainer will definately increase your chances of success, you've got to be serious about your lifestyle choices if you want to get anywere.

To assure your reach your goals you must realize what sacrifices you have to make and take responsibilty for your actions.

Now check out this video...

Now that you know what to do, think long and hard about two or three sacrifices you are going to make that will help you reach your goals and write them somewhere on your goal sheet that you look at everyday.

Show me you're serious by leaving me a comment down below letting me know what sacrifices you're going to make.



  1. No fast food throughout the duration of the program.
    Commit to completing the workouts 4-5 days per week.
    Continuing the program until i have reached my goal weight/ body tone.
    Once goal is complete I will workout 30 min 3 days a week.

  2. Ashley, that is fantastic! Make sure to write that down on your goal sheet and read it daily. You've got the right idea, you have to COMMIT to the workouts... all the time, not just when it's convenient.


  3. I'm cutting out Sweet Tea and excuses and commiting to at least 3 workouts per week .. Be positive and stay motivated!!

  4. Jolene, that is great! By making sacrifices and improving your current mindset, your already on your way to reaching your goals.

