Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Inspirational and Motivational Videos

I get asked this all the time…
“Tony, how do you stay so motivated!?”

Well, I have lots of quotes around my house, read lots of motivational books, and I watch videos like these.

This is one of my favorites. Will speaks the truth. Just get focused, decide what you want and do it.

I hope you feel MOTIVATED and INSPIRED!
Let me know you thoughts…


  1. I didn't realize just how much I'd be affected by these three videos .. Each were uniquely inspiring .. I have a new found appreciation for the power of choice .. The power of endurance .. And the idea that failing can lead to great things as long as you believe in youself and your ideas ..

    Please keep these coming ...

  2. Wow how powerfully moving these videos were. I posted the first to my facebook. I second Jolene: Keep them coming.

  3. Thanks for your comments and input. I will keep these coming. Be on the lookout for some of my favorite quotes...

