Sunday, January 24, 2010

7 Strategies to Eat Healthy Without Dieting

Every time I turn around it seems there's a new miracle fat loss gimmick for dieters. These fad diets aren't the answer; the answer is healthy eating. Luckily for you eating healthy doesn't have to be hard. To succeed you need to have a plan. I've listed seven strategies to make eating healthy a lot easier without the restriction and dangers of dieting.

1. Get off the “See Food Diet”
If you're like me when you're hungry you'll eat whatever you see. When you get the junk out of the house there's no temptation to eat it. Replace chips and cookies with fresh fruits and veggies and dip them in hummus.

2. Have a cheat day or cheat meals
This allows you to enjoy the foods you love without the guilt. The secret is eating clean 90% of the time.... so if you eat 5 times a day, seven days a week (35 meals) you should only have 3-4 cheat meals weekly. This is how you can eat ice cream, pizza, fried chicken, whatever - guilt free.

3. Carry shakes and bars as a backup plan
If you plan to be in the car, on a plane, shopping, or anywhere that could get in the way of you eating a healthy meal be prepared. Prograde has the best tasting bars and shakes without the artificial ingredients found in others.

4. Stop nutritional freestyling
Eating whatever you want and skipping meals is a recipe for disaster. Be prepared by planning your meals in advance and shopping for healthy foods on a regular basis.

5.Eat every 3 hours
This helps you avoid the point of total starvation. I don't know about you but when I get here I'll binge on first thing I can find. Avoid this point at all costs. Numbers 3 and 4 will help you with this.

6. Avoid temptation
When someone brings doughnuts in office practice a little self discipline. If you can't, know that you're choosing to use a cheat meal.

7. Enjoy your cheat meals away from home
This strategy works well because you won't have any left-over's in the house to tempt you later. If you buy a two liter soft drink and bring it home you'll be cheating all week until it's gone; have it at the restaurant and when it's done, it's done.

I put it out there for you, now it's up to you to do it. Even one or two of these strategies can have a big effect on fat loss.

All these tips are golden, but #1 is the key for me. Leave a comment with your favorite tips - I wanna know what works for you and which one's you're gonna try.



  1. What works for me is Stocking my fridge with fruits and veggies and all the ingredients I'll need for the week .. Good or bad If it is there I will eat it .. So we
    don't bring home junk and we keep healthy things onhand such as our newly added jar of raw almonds .. It's full at all times .. Incase of emergency :)

  2. Awesome comment! Get the junk out of site and replace with healthy things. I couldn't agree more.


