Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Goals for 2010

As I promised last week I'd post some of my goals for this year. While I have a lot of goals; some financial, some personal growth, others fitness related here's three I wanted the share with you.

1. Read 30 books this year.

Believe it or not I hated reading in school; seriously all the way up through college. It wasn't until I was done with school that I actually found out what type of books I like. I don't read mysteries or adventures - I have movies for that. I mostly read books on personal growth and of course always health and fitness stuff. Most people stop learning once they're out of school but for me I've learned way more since I finished school and I'm going to continue...

Two of my favorites from last year were - How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie and the Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen.

This year I'm looking forward to reading The power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership by John C. Maxwell
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

While I've never read more than 20 books in a year I wanted to challenge myself.

ACTION PLAN: I've broken this goal down to reading 2-3 books a month and even further to reading 25 pages per day. I think it's important to break down your long-term goal into daily actions like this so you don't find yourself way behind and then giving up all together.

2. Handstand for 20 seconds.

Nothing special here just something I always thought was cool and wanted to do. Somehow it always got put on the back burner. I just started practicing for this and can only hold it for a few seconds at best.

ACTION PLAN: practice for a minimum of 10 minutes twice per week.

3. Improve my flexibility.

I love strength training and the challenge I get from high intensity cardio work, but for some reason I never liked to stretch. I can tell I'm not as flexible as I was 10 years ago and don't want it to get worse. I've been talking about this one for years and finally decided to do something about it.

One of the specific flexibility goals I have is to improve the flexibility in my hips. If you are familiar with yoga there's a pose called pigeon, and I can't do it very well, my goal is to be able to do this pose with proper alignment and be able to breathe deeply while in it. This may not seem like a challenge to you but as tight as my hips are it is a big challenge for me.

ACTION PLAN: take at least one yoga class per week and stretch on my own for 20 minutes twice a week. Once I get past 60 days I'm going to bump up the yoga to twice a week. I just need to make it a habit first. No need to set myself up for failure from the get go.

Well there it is. My goals and action plans to accomplish those goals. I hope this helps you think about your goals for this year and how you going to break them down to daily actions. If you have no action plan then you're just hoping and wishing you'll get there. Make sure to get your plan of action in place.

Leave me a comment below on your thoughts or your personal goals for 2010. If you can do a handstand please share your tips with me, I need them :)


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